Wednesday 11/12/08--Scorpio full moon
Tonight's intensely sensitive Scorpio full moon, at 10:18pm Pacific time, is in Taurus, the peak of earth power. With creative Jupiter in primal Capricorn and grounding Saturn in fruitful Virgo (also earth signs), this full moon is reinforced in the physicality of emotional expression. That is what will be releasing now, especially after the moon goes over the top of our seasonal cycle into flowing feeling on Saturday.
Last night Venus and Pluto, love and power, met at the bottom of things, in late Sagittarius. Venus moved into the constructiveness of Capricorn this morning, and Pluto will complete its shift there--for the first time since 1762--on November 26, at Thanksgiving. This is a transformative moment. We are being anchored by the ground of reality, ready to enter a new era based in the power of deep nature, guided by an enlightened awareness of life's interrelationship.
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