Virgo new moon
A summer of intensified nature power comes to a fruitful completion. We are ready for autumn and a new year of fertility. Love leads the way.
Recently, major planetary forces at our four seasonal shifting points brought a historic reinforcement of elemental power, balanced but intense. In some ways it has been stabilizing, forcing us to be right with the demands of nature as a new era of deep transformation begins to unfold. The last few weeks, a tide of mental reflection--Mercury retrograde, ending 9/12--has encouraged us to accept changes in momentum, giving up the pride of control for the reward of moving with nature's flow. Now, as expansive Jupiter joins wise Uranus in returning to sensitive Pisces after a preview in passionate Aries (they emerge there for real early next year), we are brought back to finish a time in vulnerable feeling, finding healing resolution there. Centering Saturn is now leading the way in loving Libra, showing us where beauty and harmony really come from. With heavy Pluto in the primal power of Capricorn, we have been tested to our core and are better for it, ready for whatever the coming era brings.
As the moon meets the sun in late summer for the Virgo new moon (Wednesday 9/8, 3:30am Pacific time), we complete the work of adjustment from all we've been through recently. Soon, a fresh start in the land of love.
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