Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday 12/12/10--Mercury retrograde

Mercury is now retrograde in Capricorn for a few weeks (until 12/29). The mental tide is backtracking, undermining momentum with reflection rooted in our experience of physical reality. There is nothing wrong with this. If we give in to flexibility, things will sort themselves out, anchored in core nature.

It began on Friday 12/10, with the sun settling in Sagittarius (on its way to winter solstice, our seasonal low point, 12/21) and the moon moving through awareness in Aquarius. After a weekend of sensitivity (moon in Pisces with Jupiter and Uranus, Venus in Scorpio), Monday night is big, with mind, action, spirituality and power meeting in the heavy physicality that is grounding us (Mercury, Mars, moon node and Pluto align in Capricorn 8:13pm Pacific time) as spirit emerges into personal passion (moon into Aries 11:14pm). Energy builds in peak earth power Thursday-Saturday (moon in Taurus) and mental suspense Sunday-Monday (moon in Gemini), with a full moon Tuesday 12/21 (12:13am) shifting to big energy release (moon into Cancer 1:22am) as we hit bottom in our seasonal cycle, winter solstice in the north (3:29pm), the sun moving into the grounded earth power of constructive Capricorn.

We are centered in love (Saturn in Libra), with healing dreams of life's interrelationship (Chiron and Neptune together in Aquarius). We are ready for revolutionary creative emergence coming this spring. It begins with the Capricorn new moon on January 4.