Monday 1/23/12--Year of the Dragon
The new moon in Aquarius (11:39pm Pacific time 1/22), Sun and Moon together in awareness at the center of life's interrelationship. Essence alignment. A new beginning based in global perspective. At the full moon on 2/7 it will be launched with passion toward a spring of revolutionary emergence.
The Chinese call this the Year of the Dragon, considered fortunate, a peak of flowering fertility. With Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Virgo--grand trine in earth signs--a big year of reinforced physicality, historic transformation rooted in the force of deep nature.
Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn gives wise mind the assertion of primal power. Saturn in Libra grounds us in love, the harmonious solution. Neptune and Chiron together in Pisces brings healing dreams in spiritual sensitivity.
This is the seed germination point for a very powerful year.
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