Saturday 6/8/13--Gemini new moon
A peak of energized awareness, sensitivity intensified, just before a big shift to outflowing release.
The last new moon before summer solstice, Sun and Moon, with expansive, 12-year cycle Jupiter, meeting in Gemini, the mental perspective at the top of our seasonal roller coaster, Saturday 6/8, 8:56am PDT. We are anchored by our emotional core--Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune now retrograde in Pisces--the receptive planets making a grand trine in the water signs.
With deep nature power activating revolutionary development on this planet, Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries, when the Moon leads the way over the top into flowing feeling Cancer on Sunday, 9:16am PDT (Sun follows on 6/21, Jupiter on 6/25), we begin the move into a powerful summer of primal expression.
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