Wednesday 12/21/16--solstice
The Sun reaches its lowest point in our sky, the bottom of our seasonal cycle, winter solstice/shortest day in the north (2:45am PT). Grounding us in reality, we rebound with the constructive power of physical nature (Sun into Capricorn). From here the days get longer, the light returning to a darkened world.
This year, mind is reflective amidst it (Mercury retrograde until 1/8), with big heart for love and harmony (Moon in Libra with Jupiter). The new moon on 12/29 brings empowered renewal rooted in core needs (Sun and Moon with Pluto in Capricorn), just as revolutionary wisdom, after months building potential, shifts forward with passionate expression (Uranus ends retrograde in Aries).
We will move through a winter of essence alignment toward a new spring of flowering emergence.
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