Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday 3/20/17--Spring/Aries

First day of spring in the north, Sun into Aries, equinox (3:29am PT), the balance point on our seasonal cycle, the days now longer than the nights. Flowering fertility that's been building breaks out into the light. This year we begin with heart spirit grounded in constructive realism at the bottom of things, Moon in Capricorn (8:31am PT).

Nature power is bringing down structures based on tense control, supporting the emergence of healthy alternatives (Pluto in Capricorn since 2008), energizing revolutionary wisdom about this (square Uranus in Aries since 2012). We are living in a time of purification and renewal.

With reinforced passion (Saturn in Sagittarius) and deep feeling in tender sensitivity (Neptune in Pisces), love leads the way (Jupiter in Libra).