Monday, December 04, 2017

Monday 12/4/17--Mercury retrograde

There is nothing wrong with Mercury retrograde (apparent backtracking).  Just means that the mental flow has turned reflective, internalizing, undermining momentum with second thoughts, distracting developments.  Can actually be good for us if we are flexible, go with changes, can make for magical connections and deeper communication.  

This time (til 12/22), it’s part of a reinforced hitting-bottom for the year, with Sun on its way down to winter solstice, lowest point on the seasonal cycle, just as the centering influence of Saturn is getting there too for the first time in 30 years.  They meet on 12/21 as they both move into the grounded realism and rebounding constructiveness of Capricorn, a major shift of emphasis on this planet, just as mental Mercury completes retrograde and starts moving forward again. 

We are “getting down to the bottom of things,” mind reflective amidst it.  As always, it’s best to give in to the (sometimes quirky) flow of nature, whatever our previous plans or intentions, and see where it leads.