Monday, August 03, 2020

Monday 8/3/20--Leo full moon

Midsummer power alignment full moon turning point (8:58am PT). 

Sun in Leo, peak fire sign passion, Moon full in Aquarius, peak air sign awareness, both energized with revolutionary fertility, square Uranus in peak earth sign Taurus (physical nature historically reinforced--Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn). 

Intensified potential that's been building, forcing us into our solitary essence amidst life’s interrelationship, now breaks out in a ripening harvest of transformative consequence. 

Emerging healing is activated (Mars with Chiron in Aries), deep feeling anchors us in tender sensitivity (Neptune in Pisces), loving mentality soon shifts to flowing release (Venus in Gemini, into Cancer 8/7). 

Flower power.