Friday, February 06, 2009

Aquarius 2009--Alignment in Awareness

Aquarius, mid-winter in the north, strips us to our seed essence under the pressure of survival. It is a time of distillation and purification, isolating us at the center of awareness amidst the pattern of life's interrelationship.

This year it is reinforced by expansive energy (12-year-cycle Jupiter now in Aquarius), with tension between demanding practicality and wisdom in vulnerability (Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces, peaking February 5). The full moon on Monday, February 9 is the seed essence germination turning point for this year, awakened fertility emerging toward flowering and fruition.

We have entered an era of deep transformation. Heavy power has made a historic shift to the ground of reality, the force of primal nature, anchoring us and empowering us there (248-year-cycle Pluto now in Capricorn). At the end of May, creativity will join healing and dreams in the visionary awareness of the enlightened mind (Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune meet in Aquarius). This is what will guide us through challenging drama toward healthy humanity.

We must accept awareness, settled with the peace of solitude amidst it, letting energy go where it will, yielding to the weight of our soul, allowing the process of creation to develop organically, available to the magic of inspiration and nurturance. By giving in to feeling we align with true self-interest at the heart of mutual interdependence. This is the Aquarian ideal.