Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday 11/12/20--Earth power/Mars ends retrograde/Scorpio new moon

This year of historically-amplified physical nature reaches culmination, with personal passion ready for release and alignment in magnetic spirit. 

Expansive Jupiter meets heavy Pluto in Capricorn (11/12 1:38pm PT), grounded realism and constructive new beginnings (third and final time this year). It's bringing down failing structures based on tension and control and energizing the emergence of new ones rooted in the power of nature. Last time this happened was 1771, kicking off the American Revolution for democratic liberty, a society based on free individuals interacting organically, conflict resolved with equality. This time, with reinforcing Saturn also there, the transformative consequence will be undeniable. 

Active Mars is completing retrograde in Aries (11/13 4:36pm PT), shifting forward with passionate self-assertion (opposite Venus in Libra square Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn—energized with earthy love). This weekend, Moon meets Sun in Scorpio, the magnetic vortex of emotional intensity (new moon 11/14 9:07pm PT). We are anchored by tender sensitivity (Neptune in Pisces), revolutionary wisdom leading to flowering fertility (Uranus in Taurus), healing emerging (Chiron in Aries). On 12/21, Jupiter and Saturn will meet just into Aquarius, the enlightened perspective of life’s interrelationship, our theme for the road ahead. 

We are solid with core feeling, activated for new expression, entering a time of upheaval and renewal, the power of nature reclaiming humanity, transforming life on this planet.