Monday 1/13/25--Capricorn full moon
Sun in Capricorn, grounded realism, Moon full in Cancer, flowing feeling (2:27pm PT), with activating Mars (7:48pm PT).
Sun in Capricorn, grounded realism, Moon full in Cancer, flowing feeling (2:27pm PT), with activating Mars (7:48pm PT).
Moon meets Sun at the bottom of our seasonal cycle in the grounded constructiveness of Capricorn (2:26pm PT), completing the solstice shift to renewal. A new beginning rooted in the power of nature. Healing self-expression leads the way (Chiron ending retrograde in Aries).
Sun at the low point of our seasonal cycle, winter solstice in the north, shortest day of the year, into the constructive realism of Capricorn (1:21am PT). Moon joins it 12/30, a new beginning rooted in the power of nature.
Last full moon before winter solstice, low point of our seasonal cycle, energized with awareness, shifting to flowing feeling. Mental Mercury ending retrograde, moving forward from here.
Sun in Sagittarius, getting down to the bottom of things, Moon full in mental Gemini near the top, amplified by Jupiter, 1:01am PT, shifting to flowing release in Cancer 11:22am. Mercury ends retrograde 12:56pm.
Sun and Moon meet near the low point of our seasonal cycle, in warm, philosophical Sagittarius (10:21pm PT), mind reflective amidst it (Mercury retrograde).
Today, 248-year cycle Pluto, deep transformation, moves into Aquarius for the first time since the American Revolution, empowering enlightened awareness of life's interrelationship (for the next 20 years). Last time, rebellion against an oppressive king led to a global movement for democratic liberty. This time, after a period of reasserted control (Pluto in Capricorn since 2008), it will lead to an era of mutual nurturance. The transition may be challenging, the amplified power of nature breaking through failing tension, but it's the beginning of a new world based on healthy living.
Emotional intensity energizing physical nature. Sun in Scorpio, Moon full in Taurus with revolutionary Uranus (1:28pm PT), trine heavy power Pluto in Capricorn. Centering Saturn ends retrograde in Pisces, anchoring us in tender sensitivity, moving forward from here. On Tuesday, 248-year cycle Pluto progresses into Aquarius, awareness of life's interrelationship, a new 20-year emphasis on this.