Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday 11/30/22

Jupiter and Moon in Pisces, beautiful tonight. Amplified sensitivity, good for us. Jupiter into Aries at Christmas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday 11/23/22--Sagittarius new moon

Sun and Moon meet in warm, philosophical Sagittarius (2:57pm PT), getting down to the bottom of our seasonal cycle, solstice 12/21. Expansive Jupiter completes months of retrograde/internalizing in sensitive Pisces (3:02pm PT), moving forward from here, into Aries self-expression 12/20. Earthy Capricorn new moon 12/23.

Monday, November 07, 2022

Tuesday 11/8/22–Scorpio full moon (eclipse)

Mid-autumn full moon (total eclipse), 3:01am PT. Sun in Scorpio, magnetic intensity, Moon full in Taurus, earthy energy. 

At a time of physical power (Pluto in Capricorn), alignment in awareness (Saturn in Aquarius), amplified sensitivity (Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces), emerging healing (Chiron in Aries), revolutionary flowering (Uranus in Taurus), and activated mentality (Mars in Gemini), core feeling is breaking out with transformative expression.

The tension of control is failing, replaced by natural humanity.