Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday 2/23/11

Tender sensitivity, with intensified feeling. Getting down to the bottom of things, big energy in personal passion is charged with primal power, releasing Friday. Grounded constructiveness over the weekend. We are guided by love.

(Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio. With Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn 12:29pm Pacific time Friday. Moon into Capricorn Saturday 11:32am, conjunct Pluto and square Jupiter early Sunday. Saturn in Libra.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday 2/21/11

Now into tender sensitivity, one last peak of alignment in awareness, with mind, action and dreams meeting there, reinforced by heart centered in love.

(Sun in Pisces, Mercury, Mars and Neptune conjunct in Aquarius, trine Moon with Saturn in Libra.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday 2/18/11--Aquarius full moon

On the last day of Aquarius, the mid-winter full moon (12:36am Pacific time) in the peak passion of Leo. We complete a month of alignment in our essence, reinforced this year by the demand for true harmony (Saturn in Libra). Stripped to seed nature, forced to the center of awareness amidst the pattern of our involvements, drawn by the pull of deepest feelings (Sun with Neptune in Aquarius for the last time in 164 years), our protective shell breaks, exposing the tender germ to saturating nurturance. We will move through this in the next month (Sun into Pisces, now with healing sensitive Chiron), toward a powerful emergence of revolutionary creative expression with the coming spring.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Wednesday 2/2/11--Aquarius new moon

The Aquarius new moon, midwinter in the north (Chinese new year). Peak alignment with our essence, isolated in awareness amidst the pattern of life's interrelationship. It can bring separation and distance, but it's purification under pressure, forcing us into our separate centers, true to our essential nature, key to making lasting connections based in core alignment and mutual development. This is the seed germination turning point, completing a time of distillation solid with our essence, beginning a process of emergence toward a new spring of flowering manifestation.

This year it is especially strong, activated into expression, guided by mentality about where love and harmony really come from. In a new era of deep transformation, with healing and dreams completing their meeting in visionary awareness, we are ready to cast off tension and control and demand the freedom and interdependence essential for healthy humanity. By spring, a break-out of revolutionary creative expression will leave behind all that no longer serves us, ushering in a new day of more sustaining forms. It could bring upheaval, but it will lead to a healthier world.

(Sun, Moon and Mars meet in Aquarius, trine Saturn in Libra. Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. On April 3, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus meet in Aries.)

According to the Mayan Calendar, March 9 begins the final acceleration of the energy wave that has driven the evolutionary development of life on this planet going back to the big bang. It is hard to know what this energy intensification will bring, but it is surely monumental. On October 28, when, according to the traditional count, the process is complete, all nine levels of emerging organization (cellular, mammalian, familial, tribal, regional, national, planetary, galactic and universal) will be fulfilled, and we will move into a world of possibility beyond our imagining. As always, let's give in to nature, endure what it puts us through, and see where it leads.