Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Wednesday 6/28/22–Cancer new moon

Moon joins Sun over the top of our seasonal roller coaster, completing the solstice shift of building potential to flowing emotional release (Cancer new moon 7:52pm PDT), energized with healing self-expression (square Jupiter with Mars and Chiron in Aries). Deep feeling turns inward in tender sensitivity (Neptune retrograde in Pisces). Essence alignment in awareness (Saturn in Aquarius). Earthy wisdom leads the way (Uranus in Taurus with Pluto in Capricorn). 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tuesday 6/14/22--Gemini full moon

Sun near the top of our seasonal roller coaster (in Gemini), Moon full at the bottom of things (in Sagittarius, 4:52am PDT), rebounding with primal power rooted in core needs starting later today (into Capricorn with Pluto 3:15pm PDT). Sun at solstice, highest point for the year, Tuesday 6/21 (2:14am PDT), a big shift of built-up potential to flowing release. 

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Saturday 6/4/22

Centering Saturn is slowing to a stop in Aquarius awareness, turning retrograde there for a few months (2:47pm PDT). Reinforced alignment in our essence amidst the pattern of our relationships. 

Sun in the mentality at the top of our seasonal cycle, Gemini. Moon in the peak passion of Leo, amplified and activated by Jupiter and Mars in Aries. Deep feeling Neptune in sensitive Pisces. Venus and Uranus, love and wisdom, meeting in earthy Taurus, Heavy power Pluto in the grounded realism of Capricorn.

Friday, June 03, 2022

Friday 6/3/22--Mercury ends retrograde

Mind completes internalizing, starts to move forward again. (Mercury ends retrograde 1:00am PDT)