Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday 8/28/18

Moon into Aries, self-expression, 9:35am PT.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday 8/27/18

Earthy energy, deep sensitivity, action moving forward again.

(Virgo full moon in Pisces, Mars ending retrograde.)

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday 8/26/18--Virgo full moon

Late summer full moon (4:56am PT).  Sun in earthy Virgo, reinforced this year (trine Uranus in Taurus, Saturn with Pluto in Capricorn), grounding in physical nature.  Moon full in tender Pisces (with deep Neptune, big Jupiter in Scorpio intensity), vulnerable sensitivity.  A harvest of consequence, solid with core feeling.  Activating Mars completing retrograde, internalizing, in primal power Capricorn, shifting forward with new expression Monday (7:05am PT). 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday 8/17/18--Mercury ending retrograde

Peak passion (Sun in Leo), intensified sensitivity (Moon with Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces), mind completing weeks of internalizing (Mercury ends retrograde Saturday 9:25pm PT).  

Spirit at low ebb this weekend (Moon in Sagittarius), rebounding with earth power late Monday (into Capricorn 8:59pm PT) as mental flow starts moving forward again.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday 8/13/18

After big Leo power breakout, Moon into Virgo, ripening developments, into loving Libra tonight (9:57pm PT).

Many planets retrograde right now (backtracking, internalizing).  Mental Mercury completes this late Saturday night.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Saturday 8/11/18--Leo new moon

We are solid with core passion, mind reflective amidst it, energized with spirit intensity. Physical nature is historically reinforced. Beauty and action are aligned in awareness. Deep feeling anchors us in tender sensitivity. Healing is emerging. 

(Sun, Moon and retrograde Mercury meet in Leo, square Jupiter in Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius. Neptune in Pisces. Chiron in Aries.)

The power of nature is breaking through failing tension, disrupting the prevailing order, catalyzing a crisis for humanity. The situation is ripening. Love and understanding lead the way.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday 8/10/18

Peak passion Leo new moon late tonight (2:58am PT), power breakout turning point for the year, energized with intensified sensitivity (square Jupiter in Scorpio).  Physical nature is historically reinforced (outer planets in earth signs).  Developing situations ripen with consequence.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Monday 8/6/18

Midsummer, Sun in Leo, peak passion, building toward new moon power breakout Saturday.

Moon through earthy Taurus last few days, now in mental Gemini at the top of our seasonal cycle, shifting to flowing feeling Cancer Tuesday night (9:01pm PT).  Mercury retrograde (til 8/19), mind reflective amidst it, with deep mind Uranus turning retrograde, anchoring us with wisdom rooted in physical nature (in Taurus, with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn).

Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio (4:28 pm PT) releases energized tension between emotional intensity and passionate expression, with Neptune in Pisces encouraging vulnerable sensitivity.  Venus, light of beauty, leads the way into loving Libra (also 4:28pm PT), aligning supportively (trine) with activating Mars in visionary Aquarius--harmony is key to healthy interrelationship.

Leo new moon Saturday (2:58am PT) is peak power turning point for the year, energy that's been building breaking out, developing situations ripening with consequence.