Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday 1/22/23

Aquarius, mid-winter in our seasonal cycle, forces everyone to their separate corners to get us right with interrelationship. The new moon there has activated this, with centering Saturn reinforcing it.

Heavy power Pluto has been in grounding Capricorn since 2009 (first time since 1763), bringing down tense structures of control, supporting the emergence of nature-based alternatives. This year it will progress into Aquarius, a new emphasis on enlightened awareness of life's interdependence.

Today, deep mind Uranus completes months of backtracking internalizing, charging with energy, in Taurus, peak spring earth power (2:58pm PT), shifting forward with revolutionary development.

Deep feeling Neptune in sensitive Pisces challenges us to accept vulnerability. Expansive Jupiter and healing Chiron in Aries are leading the way with new self-expression. 

We are finding the balance between personal liberty and social responsibility.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday 1/21/23--Aquarius new moon

After a month of heavy grounding in physical nature (Sun with Pluto in Capricorn), Sun and Moon move into Aquarius, essence alignment amidst the pattern of our involvements, and meet there (12:53pm PT). Seed potential is activated toward a new spring of flowering emergence.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday 1/16/23

Mental Mercury backing to a stop (ending retrograde) in earthy Capricorn, just as Sun meets heavy power Pluto there, both complete Wednesday. Moon currently in Scorpio intensity, getting down to the bottom of things the next few days, into Capricorn Thursday. Aquarius new moon, essence alignment (early this year), Saturday, seed potential germination. Ride out this week (storms clearing where I live), new beginning next weekend. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thursday 1/12/23--Mars ends retrograde

Activated mentality completes internalizing, shifting to new expression (Mars ends retrograde in Gemini 12:56pm PT). Mind reflective one more week (Mercury ends retrograde 1/18). Physical nature strong--Sun in Capricorn (meets Pluto 1/18), Moon in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus (ends retrograde 1/22).  

Essence alignment in awareness (Saturn in Aquarius), deep feeling in vulnerable sensitivity (Neptune in Pisces), amplified healing leads the way (Jupiter and Chiron in Aries). 

Moon into loving Libra tonight, earthy energy Saturday (square Sun and Pluto in Capricorn), Scorpio intensity Sunday. 

Friday, January 06, 2023

Friday 1/6/23--Capricorn full moon

First full moon of the new year (3:07pm PT). Sun rebounding off the bottom of our seasonal cycle in earthy Capricorn, Moon full over the top in flowing feeling Cancer. A big wave of nature power.

Mentality is activated and internalizing these days, shifting forward in the next few weeks. Mars retrograde in Gemini until 1/12. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn until 1/18. Uranus retrograde in Taurus until 1/22--revolutionary development. 

Beautiful Venus and centering Saturn are in Aquarius awareness, where we're headed next month. Heavy Pluto, in the grounded realism of Capricorn since 2008, will be progressing into Aquarius this year, an enlightened relationship with life's interdependence. 

Deep receptive Neptune anchors us in vulnerable Pisces, key to surviving challenging times. Emerging healing, amplified by expansive creativity, leads the way with new self-expression--Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. 

A powerful spring of personal flowering is coming. We need to get through winter first.