Friday, December 22, 2017

Friday 12/22/17--Mercury ends retrograde

Just as we enter a time of grounded empowerment (Sun with Saturn in Capricorn), heart moving through alignment in awareness (Moon in Aquarius), mental Mercury completes weeks of backtracking internalizing (ends retrograde 5:51pm PT), anchoring us in our truth, moving forward with new, progressive expression.  Moon in tender Pisces for the weekend, emerging with personal passion in Aries Monday night (4:27pm PT).

Peace and love, everyone, everywhere.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thursday 12/21/17--solstice/Capricorn

The Sun hits the low point of our seasonal cycle, winter solstice in the north (8:29am PT), shortest day of the year, from here beginning to rise again, the return of light into our world. 

Sun moves into Capricorn, first earth sign, grounded realism and constructive development rooted in core needs.  With 30-year cycle centering Saturn making the same shift, joining heavy Pluto leading the way there since 2008, physical nature power is reinforced, breaking through failing tension with transformative expression, supporting the emergence of healthy humanity. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday 12/20/17

Sun near the bottom of our seasonal cycle (Moon and Saturn now leading the way into grounding, constructive Capricorn), solstice tomorrow, 8:29am PT.  Mental Mercury ends weeks of retrograde/internalizing Friday, 5:51pm PT.

A major transition.  Let's ride it out, see where things are after Monday/Christmas.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday 12/19/17--Saturn into Capricorn

For the first time in 30 years, the centering influence of Saturn is at the bottom of our seasonal cycle, moving into the grounded constructiveness of Capricorn (8:48pm PT), a major shift of emphasis on this planet.  Sun joins it Thursday (solstice/Capricorn 8:29am PT, meets Saturn 1:09pm PT).  Anchoring us in reality, empowering new developments.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday 12/18/17--hitting bottom

Winter solstice in the north, Sun at low point, is powerfully reinforced this year, with 30-year cycle centering Saturn there too, joining the Sun for a big shift of emphasis from getting down to the bottom of things in Sagittarius to rebounding with grounded constructiveness in Capricorn.  Failing tense structures will give way to emerging nature-based alternatives. 

Sun at solstice/into Capricorn Thursday 12/21 8:29am PT, meets Saturn 1:09pm PT.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sunday 12/17/17--Sagittarius new moon

Sun, Moon, and 30-year Saturn meet at the low ebb of our seasonal cycle (new moon 10:30pm PT).

They each hit bottom and move into the grounded nature power of Capricorn--Moon Monday 5:33am PT, Saturn Tuesday 8:48pm PT, Sun/solstice Thursday 8:29am PT.  Mental Mercury ends retrograde Friday.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday 12/13/17

Intensified sensitivity (Scorpio Moon), on our way down to reinforced winter solstice (Sun and Saturn into Capricorn 12/21), mind reflective amidst it (Mercury retrograde til 12/22).

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday 12/12/17

On our way down to a reinforced winter solstice this year.  Moon in loving Libra now, through Scorpio intensity (amplified by Jupiter) the next few days, meeting Sun for Sagittarius new moon, low ebb, Sunday night.  Then, led by Moon, Sun and 30-year cycle centering Saturn hit bottom and move into Capricorn together 12/21--a big shift of emphasis to grounded realism and rebounding nature power.

Friday, December 08, 2017

Friday 12/8/17

Passion.  Moon in Leo, Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries--grand trine in fire signs.  Now, Moon into earthy Virgo (3:09pm PT), into loving Libra Sunday night (9:01pm PT).  Big energy in spirit intensity--Jupiter in Scorpio.  Mercury retrograde, quirky mental flow. 

Wounded healing Chiron has completed months of retrograde, internalizing, in Pisces, vulnerable sensitivity, moving forward from here. 

We are getting down to a reinforced winter solstice—Sun and Saturn into primal power Capricorn 12/21.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Tuesday 12/5/17

Solid with sensitive core, releasing deep power.  Mind backing into alignment.  

(Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, Moon opposite Pluto in Capricorn 5:07pm PT.  Mercury retrograde conjunct Saturn 4:05am PT Wednesday.)

Monday, December 04, 2017

Monday 12/4/17--Mercury retrograde

There is nothing wrong with Mercury retrograde (apparent backtracking).  Just means that the mental flow has turned reflective, internalizing, undermining momentum with second thoughts, distracting developments.  Can actually be good for us if we are flexible, go with changes, can make for magical connections and deeper communication.  

This time (til 12/22), it’s part of a reinforced hitting-bottom for the year, with Sun on its way down to winter solstice, lowest point on the seasonal cycle, just as the centering influence of Saturn is getting there too for the first time in 30 years.  They meet on 12/21 as they both move into the grounded realism and rebounding constructiveness of Capricorn, a major shift of emphasis on this planet, just as mental Mercury completes retrograde and starts moving forward again. 

We are “getting down to the bottom of things,” mind reflective amidst it.  As always, it’s best to give in to the (sometimes quirky) flow of nature, whatever our previous plans or intentions, and see where it leads.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Sunday 12/3/17--Sagittarius full moon

Sun in Sagittarius, getting down to the bottom of things, Moon full in Gemini, the peak of built-up potential (7:47am PT), both energized with deep sensitivity (square Neptune in Pisces). Moon shifts to flowing release in Cancer Monday (12:37pm PT). 

Revolutionary passion is activated with love (Mars in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries). Big intensity aligns with tender feeling (Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces). Mind is backtracking, internalizing (Mercury retrograde).

Deep nature power is getting to us (Pluto in Capricorn). A big shift to this at winter solstice (Sun and Saturn into Capricorn 12/21). 

Saturday 12/2/17

Mind slowing to a stop at the bottom of things, reinforced in this (mental Mercury goes retrograde at the end of Sagittarius, with Saturn, 11:34pm PT).  Full moon tomorrow (7:47am PT).  Big sensitivity (Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces) energized by full moon (square Neptune in Pisces).