Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday 9/28/17

Deep power completes months of internalizing in grounded realism and constructive nature force, shifting to transformative expression of core needs.

(Pluto ends retrograde in Capricorn 12:33pm PT.  Moon meets Pluto 7:26pm PT.)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday 9/27/17

A big shift of energy that's been building.

Sun in Libra, early autumn, seeking harmony.  Moon hitting bottom into Capricorn, grounded nature force (9:24am PT).  Expansive Jupiter is in Libra, amplifying love, energized with revolutionary passion ready for release (opposite Uranus in Aries 9:24pm PT).  Heavy Pluto is completing months of internalizing in earthy Capricorn, turning forward with transformative expression (ends retrograde Thursday 12:33pm PT).

A great wave of reinforced nature power is unleashed on this planet.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday 9/22/17--Libra/equinox

Sun into Libra, autumn in the north (1:02pm PT), our planet at the balance point, sunset for the year, a time of colorful renewal, inclined toward love and harmony.  The return of rain will nurture seeds of potential, moving through winter challenge toward a new spring of flowering fertility. 

Big energy has been building, releasing at the end of next week.  Expansive love reaches peak tension with revolutionary passion (Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries Wednesday 9:24pm PT) just as deep nature power, after months of internalizing, shifts forward with new expression (Pluto ends retrograde in Capricorn Thursday 12:33pm PT, Moon meets Pluto 7:26pm PT).

As we move into the season of renewal, a great wave of transformative power is unleashed on this planet.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday 9/19/17--Virgo new moon

Last new moon of summer, Sun and Moon meet in earthy Virgo (10:30pm PT), practical resolution, the fruitful harvest, preparing for a new year of fertility, beginning with autumn.

Heavy power is completing months of backtracking, internalizing, in grounded constructiveness, shifting forward soon with transformative expression (Pluto ends retrograde in Capricorn 9/28).  At the same time, big love is energized with revolutionary passion, ready for release (Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries 9/27.)

As we move into autumn renewal, a powerful wave of creative development is unleashed.

(Sun into Libra/equinox Friday 9/22 1:02pm PT.)

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Tuesday 9/5/17--Mercury ends retrograde/full moon

Mental flow, after weeks of backtracking and internalizing, begins to move forward again (Mercury ends retrograde 4:30am PT).  

Sun in earthy Virgo, Moon in tender Pisces, full there (with deep feeling Neptune) late tonight (12:03am PT Wednesday).