Winter Solstice 2006
This year, in rare synchronicity, we have an especially powerful winter solstice, with the moon and sun meeting together at the bottom of our seasonal cycle, heart and soul converging at the ground of new beginnings.
On Monday 12/18, after six months spending its energy going down the cosmic roller coaster, the sun, our soul vitality, meets deep power Pluto at the low ebb in warm, philosophical Sagittarius. The moon, our heart sensitivity, is right behind it. Early Wednesday the moon also meets heavy Pluto and then, at 6:01am Pacific time Wednesday morning, it aligns with the sun for the Sagittarius new moon. Heart and soul (and deep power) together in resolving passion at the bottom of things.
At 8:39am Pacific time on Wednesday morning we begin this year's powerful solstice shift when the moon leads the way hitting bottom, rebounding in earthy Capricorn. Then on Thursday 12/21 at 4:23pm Pacific time, just as tension breaks between action and wisdom (Mars square Uranus), the sun hits bottom for the year, winter solstice. Heart and soul are now together in grounded renewal and emergence, the primal power of constructive Capricorn. After sinking as low as it will go, we celebrate the return of the sun and, from this point forward, the growing light of divine nurturance.
After a year of intensified feeling (Jupiter in Scorpio), we begin a new year of reinforced passion (Saturn in Leo, Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius--all fire signs). May the warm, adventurous spirit of the seasonal cycle that starts here bring comfort and fulfillment to us all.