Thursday 7/31/08--Leo new moon eclipse
Heart aligns with soul at the peak of passion. Love, charged with visionary dreams, leads the way.
(Leo new moon eclipse at 3:12am Pacific time late tonight. Venus in Leo opposite Neptune in Aquarius.)
Heart aligns with soul at the peak of passion. Love, charged with visionary dreams, leads the way.
Intensified earth power now shifts into release. A couple days of flowing feeling. The mid-summer new moon eclipse on August 1, at the peak of passion, is the energy break-out turning point for this year.
In a time of passion, love charged with healing spiritual awareness. Heart going through mental processing.
Solid with the power of the earth. Spiritual healing in awareness.
Sun into Leo, mid-summer, heating up the passion. Moon into Aries fire.
The powerfully earthy full moon is now releasing its charge in peak awareness, meeting spiritually healing dreams there.
The first full moon of summer.
In a time of flowing feeling, the heart is fully charged with intensified physicality.
With the sun over the top of our seasonal cycle in sensitive Cancer, the moon is now in Capricorn, the grounded physical force rebounding off the bottom of things. It meets energizing Jupiter there at 6:01am Pacific time Thursday, and is full, a peak of intensified earth power, at 12:59am Friday.
Heart with heavy power in the passion at the bottom of things, rebounding with primal force.
Settling down to the bottom of things, with sensitive wisdom.
Rooted in flowing feeling, we've moved through peak passion into energized earthiness, a preview of the summer ahead. Mind is blending with dreams in awareness, love is blending with wisdom in sensitivity.
Summer in the north. Now, the energy that's been building since the first of the year shifts into release, starting with flowing feeling.