After several years grounding us in the practicality of Virgo, 30-year cycle Saturn is moving to an emphasis on love and harmony, in Libra. It will be charged with primal power by Pluto in Capricorn.
This is happening just as wounded healing Chiron and deepest feeling Neptune are ending months of internalizing in awareness amidst the pattern of our involvements, in Aquarius. With the sun in emotionally intense Scorpio and deep mind Uranus in tender Pisces, this is a sensitive moment. There is wisdom in vulnerability. We are completing a time of alignment in our essence, ready to move forward into rewarding new possibilities. When expansive, creative Jupiter meets healing Chiron and dreaming Neptune in visionary Aquarius at winter solstice, it will energize the enlightened relationship with life's interdependence, foundation for a healthy society.
In the evolutionary process described by the Mayan calendar, we have been going through a year of emerging alternatives. Now we begin a year of consolidation. Though this could bring disruption, a further collapse of all that is not rooted in true substance, it is part of deep nature's continuing empowerment, a progressive development that, according to the traditional Mayan count, completes on October 28, 2011 with the emergence of divine consciousness on this planet.
(Saturn into Libra 10/29. Chiron ends retrograde in Aquarius 10/31, Neptune on 11/4. Saturn in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 11/15. Uranus ends retrograde in Pisces 12/1. Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune align in Aquarius 12/21.)