Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pisces 2010

New life, rooted in healing dreams, moves toward flowering through saturating tenderness, creatively energized this year, strong at full moon Sunday morning 2/28. Beauty leads the way into spring Sunday 3/7, with action completing months of internalizing in peak passion, shifting forward into outward expression 3/10. Heart/soul/mind/wisdom convergence in vulnerable sensitivity at new moon Monday 3/15. Vitality, reinforced by passionate action, charged with grounding in love awareness, emerges into the daylight of manifestation at equinox Saturday 3/20.

(Sun--after Chiron/Neptune alignment in Aquarius--in Pisces with Jupiter at full moon 2/28, 8:38am Pacific time. Venus into Aries 3/7, trine Mars ending retrograde in Leo 3/10. Moon/Sun/Mercury/Uranus meet at Pisces new moon 3/15. Sun, trine Mars in Leo, opposite Saturn in Libra, moves into Aries 3/20, 10:32am.)

Friday, February 12, 2010

A new age now begins

The Aquarius new moon is the turning point for seed essence germination. Isolation complete, the peaking pressure breaks, the protective shell cracks, exposing the tender germ to the elements, activating renewal. In a time of deep nature empowerment, this could bring the trauma of disruption, but true humanity will be liberated. Structures based on tension will fail, ones rooted in nature will be supported. Heart, soul, healing and dreams are aligned in the awareness of life's interrelationship. The light of divinity is reclaiming this planet and will lead us through transition. We must yield to the magic of creation.

(Sun, Moon, Chiron and Neptune meet in Aquarius--new moon 2/13, 6:52pm Pacific time.)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Aquarius new moon

The mid-winter Aquarius new moon, Saturday night February 13, 6:52pm Pacific time, completes a challenging year of alignment in our essence at the center of awareness. It has engaged our oldest wounds and deepest dreams. In a new era of deep transformation, just beginning to unfold, it has purified us in the simplicity of our nature, preparation for big developments to come. This is the seed germination turning point, an activated awakening at the heart of life's interrelationship. From here, creative wisdom in tender feeling will lead us toward a new spring of flowering fertility.

(Pluto in Capricorn. Sun, Moon, Chiron and Neptune meet in Aquarius. Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces.)