Friday 8/31/12--Leo full moon
At a time of physical adjustment and intensified spirit, a full moon releasing fruitfulness and sensitivity.
(Sun in Virgo, Moon full in Pisces 6:58am Pacific time. Mars in Scorpio.)
At a time of physical adjustment and intensified spirit, a full moon releasing fruitfulness and sensitivity.
Just as the passion of summer breaks out into physical expression (Sun from Leo into Virgo, with Moon in Capricorn), activated emotional intensity is triggering deep sensitivity and wounded healing (Mars into Scorpio trine Neptune and Chiron in Pisces). Now we move through alignment in awareness (Moon in Aquarius), sorting things out, grounded by the power of reality (Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn). Full moon Friday.
Mid-summer new moon, the peak of passion. In a time of reinforced nature power, energy that's been building will be breaking out, with transformative consequences.
A shift to flowing feeling, led by love. Grounding in harmony is activated.
Sun in peak passion Leo, Moon in tender Pisces, emerging with Aries fire 1:59pm Pacific time. Mental Mercury ending retrograde, shifting forward again Tuesday night 10:40pm. Venus, the light of love, moves into flowing feeling Cancer Tuesday morning 6:43am.
The mid-summer full moon. Sun in peak passion Leo, Moon full in peak awareness Aquarius. The mental tide is backtracking, internalizing--Mercury retrograde--shifting forward next Wednesday.