Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday 8/29/15--Virgo full moon

Late summer full moon, 11:35am Pacific time. Ripening fruitfulness.

Sun in Virgo practicality, amplified by expansive Jupiter, Moon full in Pisces sensitivity, reinforced by Neptune, the pull of deepest feelings. Energized tension now releases physical and emotional energy. Mars and Venus meeting in Leo gives passion to young spirit, emerging wisdom.

We are completing this year's fertility cycle, resolving old business by following our heart. Soon autumn, Libra, a fresh start renewed in love.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday 8/24/15

This past weekend we finished Leo, Sun in midsummer peak passion, with Moon moving through Scorpio, intensified sensitivity. Now, with spirit at low ebb, Moon in Sagittarius, Sun has moved into practical Virgo, late summer, bringing old business to resolution.

Moon hits bottom Tuesday, into grounded, constructive Capricorn, with heavy power (meeting Pluto) and big, creative energy (trine Sun and Jupiter in Virgo). Full moon Saturday night.

Soon autumn, a fresh start renewed in love.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday 8/14/15--Leo new moon

Midsummer new moon, 7:53am Pacific time. Sun, Moon and Venus (soul, heart, love) meet in Leo, peak fire sign, a reinforcing convergence in core passion, supported by emerging wisdom (trine Uranus in Aries). The culmination of this year's building potential, we turn toward a late summer harvest of ripening fruitfulness and rewarding development (Virgo), where big, creative, 12-year cycle Jupiter is leading the way.