Saturday 1/30/21--Mercury retrograde
Mental flow turns backtracking and internalizing for a few weeks (7:51am PT, til 2/20). Can be good for us if we give in, flexible to changes, expression enriched by reflection.
Mental flow turns backtracking and internalizing for a few weeks (7:51am PT, til 2/20). Can be good for us if we give in, flexible to changes, expression enriched by reflection.
Alignment in awareness (Sun with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius), full moon in peak passion (Leo) 11:16am PT. We are getting centered in our essence, ready for new relationships based on healthy interdependence.
Moon meets Sun in Capricorn (9pm PT), the grounded realism and constructiveness at the bottom of our seasonal cycle, completing a year of historic reinforcement in this (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn). New beginnings rooted in primal needs.