Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday 3/31/22--Aries new moon

Emerging from a peak of vulnerable sensitivity (Moon with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces), first new moon of spring (Moon into Aries, meets Sun at 11:24pm PT), a new beginning for healthy self-expression (with Chiron).

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday 3/20/22--equinox/Aries/spring

Sun at the balance point of our seasonal cycle, days and nights equal, tipping toward growing light in the north (8:34am PT).  After a winter of heavy power (Pluto in Capricorn), alignment in awareness (Saturn in Aquarius), and amplified deep feeling (Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces), a new spring of healing self-expression (Sun into Aries with Chiron), led by earthy wisdom (Uranus in Taurus).  Flowering renewal.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thursday 3/17/20--Pisces full moon

Last full moon of winter, 12:18am PT Friday.  Amplified deep feeling in tender sensitivity (Sun with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces), heart energized for practical resolution, anchored by heavy power, led by earthy wisdom (Moon in Virgo with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus).  Essence alignment is activated with love (Saturn with Mars and Venus in Aquarius).  Spring emergence starts Sunday 3/20 (equinox/Sun into Aries), 8:34am PT.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday 3/12/22

Completing a month of deep sensitivity (Sun meeting Neptune in Pisces) with flowing feeling (Moon in Cancer). Alignment in awareness (Saturn in Aquarius), anchored by heavy power (Pluto in Capricorn). Spring begins 3/20. 

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Saturday 3/5/22

Vulnerable sensitivity is getting to us (Sun meets Jupiter in Pisces 6:06am PT). Love joins action beyond heavy power in visionary perspective (Venus and Mars move from Capricorn with Pluto into Aquarius and meet there 11:12pm PT). Passionate self-expression leads the way for wounded healing (Moon in Aries with Chiron), joining earthy wisdom (into Taurus with Uranus Sunday). We are centered in awareness of life’s interrelationship (Saturn in Aquarius). Can feel isolating, but gets us right with our essence, foundation for healthy new relationships.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Wednesday 3/2/22–Pisces new moon/Mars meets Pluto

Deep sensitivity. Primal power activated.  

(Sun and Moon meet in Pisces 9:34am PT with Jupiter and Neptune. Venus and Mars meet Pluto in Capricorn)