Friday 12/23/22--Capricorn new moon
Moon meets Sun at the bottom of our seasonal cycle (Capricorn new moon 2:16am PT), completing the solstice shift to grounded nature power rooted in core needs.
Moon meets Sun at the bottom of our seasonal cycle (Capricorn new moon 2:16am PT), completing the solstice shift to grounded nature power rooted in core needs.
Sun at low point for the year, solstice (1:49pm PT), into the physical nature power of Capricorn, getting higher in the sky from here, the return of the light.
Getting down to the bottom of our seasonal cycle, a big energy shift. Winter solstice in the north Wednesday 12/21 (1:49pm PT), Sun rebounding in earthy Capricorn, just as expansive Jupiter emerges from Pisces sensitivity into Aries self-expression. Capricorn new moon Friday 12/23 (with wounded healing Chiron ending retrograde in Aries) kicks it all off. Good new stuff coming.
Sun near the low point of our seasonal cycle in Sagittarius, getting down to the bottom of things, Moon full at the top in mental Gemini, activated by Mars (8:07pm PT), shifting to flowing release in Cancer late Thursday night.