Saturday, December 30, 2023

Saturday 12/30/23--Jupiter ends retrograde

Expansive, 12 year-cycle Jupiter completes months of retrograde, backtracking and internalizing, charging up with energized potential in peak earth power Taurus (6:40pm PT). It will begin moving forward with new expression from here, part of a big wave of physical nature that will be breaking out with flowering fertility this spring.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tuesday 12/26/23--Capricorn full moon

Sun in Capricorn, the grounded nature power at the bottom of things, Moon full over the top in flowing feeling Cancer (4:32pm PT). 

With expansive Jupiter and mental Mercury completing retrograde, internalizing (12/30 6:40pm PT, 1/1 7:07pm PT), we are charged up with constructive potential ready to break out in the new year. A big spring of flowering fertility is coming, led by revolutionary wisdom for earthy living (Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus 4/20). 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday 12/21/23--solstice/Capricorn

Sun at the low point of our seasonal cycle, winter solstice in the north (7:28pm PT), shortest day of year, into the grounded realism and constructive nature power of Capricorn. From here the angle of the Sun will rise in our sky, days getting longer, the energy of vitality emerging. We will need to get through the isolating challenge of winter, but a big spring of amplified fertility is coming. 

This year at solstice the Moon is out ahead in earthy Taurus, leading the way toward the big spring to come. Mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter are both retrograde, internalizing, until the first of the year, charging up with new potential that will soon be expressing. Quiet and reflective now, a return to simplicity, good for Christmas, a seasonal celebration of precious togetherness (turned into a church holiday for some), the birth of renewal. 

We hit the bottom of our natural process and embrace the return of nurturing light into our world. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday 12/15/23--Mercury and Jupiter retrograde

Mental Mercury has gone retrograde (12/13), backtracking and internalizing, undermining momentum with reflection. Big Jupiter is completing months of retrograde in earthy Taurus (beautiful in the sky at night), charging up with energized potential ready for release. Both will be moving forward with new expression January 1. 

Expansive 12-year cycle Jupiter is in Taurus for the next year, amplifying the power of physical nature, led by the revolutionary wisdom of deep mind Uranus. The Chinese call it Year of the Dragon, considered fortunate and prosperous. A big spring of flowering fertility is coming. We have to get through winter first.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday 12/12/23--Sagittarius new moon

Sun and Moon meet at the low ebb of our seasonal cycle, in warm, philosophical Sagittarius (3:31pm PT). Getting down to the bottom of things. Moon into earthy Capricorn Wednesday morning (7:32am PT), Sun there, winter solstice, 12/21.