Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Wednesday 2/12/25--Aquarius full moon

Midwinter full moon (5:53am PT). Sun in Aquarius, essence alignment, Moon full in Leo, peak passion, with revolutionary energy--both square Uranus in Taurus.

From here we move through Pisces sensitivity, reinforced by Saturn and Neptune, activated by Mars in Cancer--ends retrograde 2/24.

A big spring of flowering emergence is coming.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Friday 2/7/25

A lot of people report funky feeling, and it's not just the political weirdness. 

We're going through peak isolation in awareness (Aquarius, with Pluto there now), and a heavy pull from vulnerable sensitivity (Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces). But some of those same forces will be reinforcing spring emergence when we get there (Neptune and Saturn crossing into Aries in April and May), might bring good new stuff, and the energy that draws us into it.

For now, give in to the flow of life, endure what it's putting us through, see where it leads.